Apologies to anyone who is currently trying to contact me via my landline. The phone line is currently out of order and I am trying to get the situation fixed. In the interim, please feel free to contact me via my mobile 0433 245 883 or my email [email protected]
Thank you for your patience. Cheers Sacha
Just wanted to let people know that I will be on leave for the next 3 weeks commencing from today Friday the 9th of October. My first day back at work will be Tuesday the 3rd of November. If you need to get a message to me in my absence, please feel free to contact me via my email address: [email protected]. I will do my best to reply in a timely manner.
![]() With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently witnessing the best and the worst of human behaviour. A common question I am hearing at the moment is 'Why are people doing such selfish and stupid things?". The human brain is designed to keep us safe and the perception of threat or danger, real or not, can cause people to behave in seemingly irrational and even stupid ways. The current issue of people 'panic buying' items such as toilet paper, hand sanitiser and various food items is an illustration of how increased stress and lingering anxiety will impact on a persons ability to think more clearly or rationally. We are witnessing some pretty deplorable scenes in supermarkets via the media, people literaly fighting one another over a packet of toilet paper. As a community, the impact on our more vulnerable groups, particularly the elderly and the disabled, is both baffling and shameful. What would our children be making of this type of behaviour? The facts are also clear. We as a country produce the equivalent of enough food to feed 75 million people when our current population is 25 million. The panic is both irrational and completely unnecessary. What needs to happen? Well, firstly we need to slow down our vigilant brains. We are panicking too much. How do we slow our thinking down? I think being more aware of the actual facts is a start, listen to what the authorities are saying, particularly the Chief Health Officers at the federal and state levels, what the experts in the areas of epidemiology are saying and what is the World Health Organisation (WHO) is saying. We need to talk to one another, lets keep expressing our fears and concerns but also come back to the facts. Also, check the facts via the health.gov.au website, which is currently being updated on a daily basis Human beings do not respond well to either uncertainty or to change. This pandemic is significantly challenging on both those fronts. There is so much about this situation that is not known, more questions then answers. When we don't know what is going to happen, we tend to get stuck on the 'unanswerable questions' but that inevitably feeds our anxiety, not alleviates it. We need to come back to the question of what we do and do not control in our current circumstances and focus on what we can do. There does need to be an increased focus on employing our more compassionate side, that we need to check in on our elderly or disabled neighbours, make sure they are okay and that they have essential items such as food and health care products. We need to soothe our stressed and troubled brains. With the problem of social distancing as part of combating the spread of COVID-19, there is an increased risk of social isolation and this is not good for human emotional and psychological health. We do need to find ways to stay connected. Never before has social media served a more important purpose in helping us keep connected. We need to call, text and email our loved ones regularly, especially those who are completely isolated at this point in time. Lets comeback to our humanity and see this as an opportunity to demonstrate as individuals and as a community our ability to protect, care and show kindness to each other. After all, that is the Aussie spirit at its best. ![]() 'When we hold space for others, we are letting them know that we are willing to walk alongside them in whatever journey they are on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to change the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support and let go of judgement and control.' Heather Plett Tiny Buddha "Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and the awful, it is ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living. Heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it is breathtakingly beautiful." LR Knost More observing, less judging
More responding, less reacting More self love, less self sabotage More boundaries, less resentments More inner peace, less outer chaos More clarity, less confusion More being, less doing More faith, less fear I just wanted to let anyone who has been trying to contact or fax me since late March that I have had some changes which have impacted on people's ability to contact me.
Firstly, I have recently had to convert my internet and phone to NBN and one of the fall out impacts of this change was the loss of my fax service. If you are trying to send me any referrals or documents, please feel free to utilise my email service which is [email protected] The other issue involves the recent death of a close family member. I had to leave my office abruptly to deal with a very unwell family member who later died. This resulted in me being uncontactable for about 10 days due to the location in Western North Queensland. Again, my apologies to anyone who was effected by these events. If you have tried to call me in recent times but not heard back, please feel free to send me a txt message or email, I promise I will get back to you. In case the lady who called me earlier today is reading this, apologies for not calling you back. The phone number was a private number and therefore I couldn't give you a call back. Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with me over the past month, I am incredibly grateful to you. "A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for everything"
Just found this little gem of a quote on Facebook and wanted to share
"You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup. Take Care Of Yourself FIRST" |
May 2021
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